Металург го совлада грчкиот состав Ол Старс декласирајќи го со убедливи 10:1.
Погодоците на денешниот натпревар во нашиот клуб ги постигнаа Урош Алексиќ, Урош Павловиќ и Урош Бановиќ , Владимир Литовац, Немања Николиќ и Стефан Децковски.
На три минути пред крајот на средбата, Грците исфрустрирани со фактот што им се најавуваше висок пораз решија и физички да се пресметаат со играчите на Металург.
Тепачката која траеше според информациите околу две минути, резултатираше со скршен нос на двајца противнички играчи. На Металург, до крајот на сезоната во БАХЛ, му преостануваат уште два натпревари против тимот на Ред Стар, натпревари што би требало да бидат одиграни во Скопје
Metalurg defeated the Greek squad All Stars by declaring it a convincing 10:1 win.
The goals of today's match in our club were scored by Uros Aleksic, Uros Pavlovic and Uros Banovic, Vladimir Litovac, Nemanja Nikolic and Stefan Deckovski.
Three minutes before the end of the match, the Greeks, frustrated with the fact that they had been announced a high defeat, decided to physically deal with Metalurg's players.
The brawl, which lasted for about two minutes, resulted in two broken noses of two opposing players. Metalurg have two more games against Red Star until the end of the season at BAHL, matches that should be played in Skopje
Metalurg's hockey team demolish Greek All Stars, Greek hockey players cause incident
Metalurg defeated the Greek squad All Stars by declaring it a convincing 10:1 win.
The goals of today's match in our club were scored by Uros Aleksic, Uros Pavlovic and Uros Banovic, Vladimir Litovac, Nemanja Nikolic and Stefan Deckovski.
Three minutes before the end of the match, the Greeks, frustrated with the fact that they had been announced a high defeat, decided to physically deal with Metalurg's players.
The brawl, which lasted for about two minutes, resulted in two broken noses of two opposing players. Metalurg have two more games against Red Star until the end of the season at BAHL, matches that should be played in Skopje
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