The league will be split in two divisions, Metalurg will play in the first division beside the champion IHK Kuna and HK Partizan Beograd from Serbia, IHK Munje Zagreb, IHK Dinamo Zagreb and IHK Pitoni Zagreb. Teams of the first division will face the teams of the second division one time. Next novelty is that the games will take part in Zagreb and Beograd.
Also the Pirates roster is reorganized, top-scorer Jure Stopar and goalie Aleksandar Petrov left the team and moved to the United Arab Emirates for one year. The transfers during the past mid-season Peter Frol and Simon Žerdin will continue their engagement for the Pirates. New entries in the roster are defender Luka Urbas and macedonian national player Stefan Deckovski who played for Partizan past season. Forward Zorančo Griovski -scorer of the first Pirates goal in the CIHL- retired and will act as team manager.
First games in the CIHL for the Pirates are on sunday october 25th, facing in the first game HK Partizan Beograd and later the last year's semi-final opponent IHK Dinamo.
25/10/15/ 12:00 ZG IHK Metalurg - IHK Partizan
25/10/15/ 14:00 ZG IHK Metalurg - IHK Dinamo
29/11/15/ 12:00 ZG IHK Munje - IHK Metalurg
29/11/15/ 14:00 ZG IHK Pitoni - IHK Metalurg
6/12/15/ 13:00 ZG IHK Kuna - IHK Metalurg
6/12/15/ 15:00 ZG IHK Dinamo - IHK Metalurg
7/2/16/ 12:00 ZG IHK Metalurg - IHK Munje 2
7/2/16/ 14:00 ZG IHK Partizan - IHK Metalurg
13/3/16/ 13:00 BG IHK Metalurg - IHK Karlovac
13/3/16/ 14:00 BG IHK Koprivnica - IHK Metalurg
13/3/16/ 16:00 BG KHL Tapiri - IHK Metalurg
3/4/16/ 13:00 BG IHK Metalurg - IHK Pitoni
3/4/16/ 15:00 BG IHK Metalurg - IHK Kuna
3/4/16/ 17:00 BG IHK Metalurg - IHK Kuna 2
24/4/16/ 12:00 BG IHK Metalurg - IHK Munje
24/4/16/ 14:00 BG IHK Sisak - IHK Metalurg
HK Metalurg Skopje Inline Hockey roster:
Рок Шарлохар / Rok Šarlohar #20
Владимир Илиевски / Vladimir Ilievski, #30
Петер Шарлохар / Petеr Šarlohar, D, #5
Петер Фрол / Peter Frol, D, #6
Јернеј Пејановиќ / Jernej Pejanović, F, #7
Дмитриј Прокудин / Dmitriј Prokudin, F, #11
Владимир Атанасов / Vladimir Atanasov, F, #12
Давор Анастасов / Davor Anastasov, F, #16
Кристијан Ташевски / Kristijan Taševski, F, #19
Нејц Турк / Nejc Turk, F/D, #22
Боштјан Кос / Boštjan Kos, D, #23
Симон Жердин / Simon Žerdin, F, #25
Јуре Внук / Jure Vnuk, F, #40
Кристијан Грчевски / Kristijan Grčevski, D, #44
Лука Урбас / Luka Urbas, D, #68
Срефан Децковски / Stefan Deckovski, F, #77
Ивица Тасков / Ivica Taskov, D, #87
Борјан Пендаров / Borjan Pendarov, F, #89
Рок Симшич / Rok Simšič, D, #91
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