HK Metalurg signs Turk and Urbas

HK Metalurg Skopje signed two defenseman from Slovenia for the upcoming ice hockey season. 
Nejc Turk (left on picture) already played for the Pirates in the Croatian Inline Hockey League and will be promoted to the ice hockey team. The defender from Doljenske Toplice in Slovenia played in the past for Slavia Ljubljana on ice.
The second defender is 20 year old Luka Urbas (right on picture) from Jesenice in Slovenia. Luka is half Macedonian from his mothers side and has roots from Kocani in eastern Macedonia. He was inactive for two years but it is no question that the tall defender will be back in good shape for the upcoming season. His former team is HK Bled from Slovenia.

These are the first incoming transfers for the Metalurg ice hockey roster, also the team has some players leaving the team. Forward Jure Stopar and goaltender Aleksandar Petrov will play and coach one year in the United Arabic Emirate, Zoranco Griovski moves to veterans team HK Vardar Skopje.

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