Croatia Inline Hockey League - HK Metalurg Skopje second

HK Metalurg Skopje reached the second place in the Croatia Inline Hockey League. Kuna the defending champion is again the new champion. In the best of five series Kuna showed skills and defeated the league new-entry from Macedonia in five games.

The Zagreb based team Kuna took the lead in the series beating the Pirates 5-3 (in periods: 2-1, 1-0, 1-1, 1-1), while Metalurg fought back in the second game saturday afternoon and was victorius with 8-3 (2-0, 3-0, 1-1, 2-2), it was the first loss for team Kuna in the whole season.

Sunday noon Kuna still looked shocked as the Pirates defeated them once more,  6-3 (1-1, 0-1, 2-0, 3-1) was the result of game 3 and Metalurg took over the lead in the series. But Kuna showed the best season performance in game 4 rolling over the Pirates with 7-0 (0-0, 0-0, 2-0, 5-0), Kuna tied the series 2:2 with the highest defeat for Metalurg this season and the first scoreless game for the Pirates. 

The ultimate game 5 had to decide the championship, and the defending champion Kuna showed once again why they dominated the league beating the Pirates 6-2 (0-0, 2-0, 2-1, 2-1). After the defeat in game 4, Metalurg played six periods without scoring the net as they scored lately in the third period in game 5, the Kuna defense was stable while the Pirates where unfocused and overhasty while finishing their rich scoring opportunities. Both teams showed great goaltending during the series.

HK Metalurg closes a successfull season, winning the Macedonian Ice Hockey League also winning the Balkan Amateur Ice Hockey League and the first ever played Skopje Ice Festival was won. It was the first appearence on Inline Hockey Skates for Metalurg, so this result in the Croatian Inline Hockey must be regarded as very successfull.

The croatian league organizor also awarded individual players, Metalurg players won the awards for the best goaltender and best defenseman.  

Final standing:
1. IHK Kuna
2. HK Metalurg Skopje
3. IHK Dinamo
4. IHK Pitoni
5. IHK Partizan Belgrad
6. IHK Munje
7. IHK Sisak
8. IHK Karlovac
9. KHL Tapiri
10. IHK Kuna 2
11. IHK Koprivnica
12. IHK Srake

Best defender - Rok Simšić (Metalurg)
Best forward - Mario Čunko (Dinamo)
Best goal scorer - Igor Jačmenjak (Kuna)
Best goalie - Rok Šarlohar (Metalurg)
MVP - Domen Vedlin (Kuna)
Best referee - Ozren Šegavić

Metalurg roster of the season:
Рок Шарлохар / Rok Šarlohar #20
Владимир Илиевски / Vladimir Ilievski, #30
Александер Петров / Aleksander Petrov #31
Петер Шарлохар / Petеr Šarlohar, D, #5
Јернеј Пејановиќ / Jernej Pejanović, D, #7
Зоранчо Гриовски / Zorančo Griovski, F, #9, "A"
Дмитриј Прокудин / Dmitriј Prokudin, F, #11
Давор Анастасов / Davor Anastasov, F, #16
Јуре Стопар / Jure Stopar, F, #17
Кристијан Ташевски / Kristijan Taševski, F, #19
Нејц Турк / Nejc Turk, D, #22
Боштјан Кос/Boštjan Kos, D, #23
Јуре Внук / Jure Vnuk, F, #40
Кристијан Грчевски / Kristijan Grčevski, D, #44, "A"
Петер Фрол / Peter Frol, D, #68
Симон Жердин / Simon Žerdin, F, #77
Ивица Тасков / Ivica Taskov, D, #87, "C"
Борјан Пендаров / Borjan Pendarov, F, #89
Рок Симшич / Rok Simšič, D, #91
Јуре Внук / Jure Vnuk
Team Manager:
Дарко Пешевски / Darko Peševski
Players with non played games:
Иван Бачовски / Ivan Bačovski, F, #2
Владимир Атанасов / Vladimir Atanasov, F, #12

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