Куманово зимава остана без лизгалиште иако лани имаше голема посетеност од младите.
Од ЈП “Куманово - паркинг“, под чија надлежност беше спортското игралиштето на Градскиот кеј каде што беше монтирана опремата за лизгалиштето, велат дека оваа година немало интерес од фирмата која стопанисуваше со него поради економска неисплатливост, но и временските услови не се погодиле.
Не е студено, нема снег. Немаше интерес од двете страни, и од страна на граѓаните и од фирмата која стопанисува со лигалиштето. Штом нема заинтересирани, не е исплатливо. Ние индиректно стопанисувавме со зимското лизгалиште а опремата беше на приватна фирма - вели Фадиљ Шабани, директор на ЈП “Куманово - паркинг“.
Од Нова година теренот на Градски кеј преминува во надлежност на ЈП “Чистота и зеленило“ и нема најави дека воопшто оваа зима ќе биде монтирано лизгалиште.
Минатата година кога започна работаат на лизгалиштето од локалната самоуправа размислуваа да изградат затворен објект за таа намена, но поради финасиските проблеми на општината идејата пропадна.
Google translate:
Kumanovo this winter remained without a skating rink although last year it was heavily attended by young people.
The PE “Kumanovo - parking”, which was under the jurisdiction of the City Quay sports field where the equipment for the rink was installed, said that this year there was no interest from the company managing it because of the economic unprofitability, but the weather conditions were not affected.
It is not cold, there is no snow. There was no interest from both sides, both from the citizens and from the company running the rink. As long as they are not interested, it is not worthwhile. We were indirectly managing the winter skating rink and the equipment was on a private company - says Hadji Shabani, director of PE "Kumanovo - parking".
Since New Year, the City Kay terrain is under the jurisdiction of PE "Cleanliness and Greenery" and there is no announcement that this winter there will be a rink installed.
Last year, when they started work on a local government rink, they were considering building a closed facility for that purpose, but because of the municipality's financial problems, the idea failed.
Google translate:
No ice rink this winter
Kumanovo this winter remained without a skating rink although last year it was heavily attended by young people.
The PE “Kumanovo - parking”, which was under the jurisdiction of the City Quay sports field where the equipment for the rink was installed, said that this year there was no interest from the company managing it because of the economic unprofitability, but the weather conditions were not affected.
It is not cold, there is no snow. There was no interest from both sides, both from the citizens and from the company running the rink. As long as they are not interested, it is not worthwhile. We were indirectly managing the winter skating rink and the equipment was on a private company - says Hadji Shabani, director of PE "Kumanovo - parking".
Since New Year, the City Kay terrain is under the jurisdiction of PE "Cleanliness and Greenery" and there is no announcement that this winter there will be a rink installed.
Last year, when they started work on a local government rink, they were considering building a closed facility for that purpose, but because of the municipality's financial problems, the idea failed.
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